What To Look For When Buying CBD Oil


What To Look For When Buying CBD Oil


Have you searched the internet for CBD products lately? Global demand of the CBD in the health, beauty and entertainment industries is causing companies to add CBD oil (the non-high compound) in countless of products and labels in efforts to capitalize on this fast-growing trend.

There are thousands of products sold on line and now in stores, at different price points leaving the average consumer not knowing what to look for in a product. It is important to say that it is legal to purchase CBD Isolate oil from Hemp in GA. The Farm Bill was signed by President Trump on December 20th 2018 legalizing the production of Hemp with lower THC levels than marijuana.

With all that been said, we created a list of things to look for when considering purchasing CBD oils and comparing pricing, because NOT all CBD oils are created equal. 

  1. The Origin of The Plants.  Is the CBD Oil form Hemp or Cannabis (Marijuana)?  

CBD is CBD, whether it comes from Hemp of Cannabis. The difference in oils however, stands from the additional compounds that can be included in the extraction process from the Cannabis plants.

CBD oil, labeled “Isolate”, extracted from Hemp does not include the THC compound that has the mind altering or “high” effect. That makes CBD oil from Hemp safer to use without fear of psycho activity.

It’s also important to find out if the CBD comes from natural resources (Hemp plants) or synthesized in a lab from chemicals. Obviously, natural is better.


  1. The Amount or Percentage of Active CBD. What is the amount of CBD, THC and other ingredients in the product?

Quality CBD oil is sold in small 0.5 oz, 1 oz, or 3 oz bottles.  If you are buying a 12 oz bottle, you are not getting quality CBD. Instead you are getting an infused oil mixture that might not contain any mentionable active CBD. 

Check the list of ingredients.  Many products include CBD on their label but not in their ingredient list. That’s because the amount of CBD in their product is not enough to be considered an active ingredient.  Are there any ingredients on the list that you cannot pronounce? Do you know how they will affect you? Do you want them?…

When comparing products look for the amount or percentage of Active CBD on the label and compare it to the size of the bottle.  More CBD does not always mean better or stronger. For example: An 1 oz (30 ml) bottle with 1000mg of CBD is the same as an 0.5 oz (15 ml) bottle with 500mg of CBD. Do the math: 1000mg CBD’s divided by 30 ml = 33.33 CBD’s per ml.        500 CBD’s divided by 15 ml = 33.33CBD’s per ml.  To keep it simple, we look for Active CBD per dose.                              


  1. The source of The Plants. Where the Hemp was sourced from and how it was cultivated? 

    Is the farm part of the Pilot Programs in Colorado, North Carolina or Kentucky? Find out by looking up the farm at: http://www.ncsl.org/research/agriculture-and-rural-development/state-industrial-hemp-statutes.aspx#research

Look for USA companies that use only organic Hemp, with no GMO’S or pesticides. Gluten Free is always an extra benefit.  Better companies will list all of that on their product packaging, or website.


  1. What extraction methods does the company use?

There are many ways to extract compounds from Hemp plants, including those advertised on YouTube on how to make your own CBD…..                                                                                                                                                                            Our research shows that top quality companies use CO2 extraction. It is non toxic, non-combustible and leaves no traces of chemical residues in the finished product. CBD oil extracted with the CO2 method is a bit more expensive but its purity, safety and potency is well worth it.

  1. Third Party Testing. Is there a third-party lab report?

A reputable company will issue a third-party report with all the ingredients found in the product (an accredited laboratory is preferred).  A current lab report will tell you what is and what is not in the product. Look at the date on the report.

Look at each ingredient listed on the lab report.  Is CBD listed as an active ingredient?      Are there any contaminants? Are there any traces of THC*? If there are traces of such ingredients, look at the reported amounts or percentages.                                                                                                  

              We prefer and recommend organic CBD oils with NO THC or other mind altering compounds.

*0.3% THC in a product is considered legal, labeled  “industrial Hemp” and it can be included in an oil but not printed on the label. The lab report, however, will list THC as an ingredient.


  1. The Type of CBD. Is the CBD Oil “Isolate” or “Full Spectrum”?

CBD Oils are labeled “CBD Full Spectrum”, “CBD Broad Spectrum” or “CBD Isolate”

“Full Spectrum” oils contain all of the compounds of the plant which may include THC and other cannabinoids, essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, proteins, fiber, terpenes and flavonoids. These ingredients have a greater “healing” effect on the body than CBD Isolate, but can induce a very minimal psychoactive stimulation or high. The question is do you want such an effect?                                                               

CBD Isolate on the other hand is pure oil resulting in 99% CBD extract, with no psychoactive stimulation.

Some companies produce Broad Spectrum CBD Oil that includes a range of cannabinoids and terpenes but no detectable levels of THC.

Use discretion when purchasing products labeled Full Spectrum or Broad Spectrum. Some people experience the effect of a “high” even with small amounts of THC.


  1. Product Reviews. Does the product/company have good reviews?

Reviews allow you to get an idea of how the product works from other consumers who have tried it. It also lets you see if the company takes time to address issues, concerns etc.

  1. You get what you pay for!

Our research shows that oils with traces of THC are priced higher than those without. Higher amounts of active CBD also cost more than those with lower active CBD.

There are a lot of companies that have jumped on the CBD band wagon, and there is a lot of false advertising about a lot of products sold on line. We highly recommend you do your research but also support the small businesses that guarantee the products they retail.     

Please Shop local.